Thursday, December 31, 2015

Ready or not...

I was determined to upload a photo of this painting by the end of the year (today), finished or not. I didn't have as much time as I planned since Christmas to work on it, mostly on account of snow piling up. I signed it today and think I'm ready to call it done.
In terms of square inches, it's the largest painting I've posted: 18 by 18 inches (the largest until now has been 16 by 20). It's an oil still life showing an assortment of my personal belongings, including the top of a quilt I sewed together visible behind the fans and under the tiles (yes, one of the fabrics has dragonflies).
I titled this painting "Luck, Chance, Fate". That's especially appropriate since the same day I got this canvas -- the first time I acquired one of this size -- on my way home with it I brought my sister's trash to the transfer station, and in the "Swap Shop" at the dump I found a frame for an 18 inch square picture, free for the taking. It just seemed right for me to scoop it up, since I had the blank canvas in the car with me at the time.
I'm reminded of words attributed to S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary of the Smithsonian from 1964 to 1984: "An urban society needs two institutions to deal with non-functional objects: the sanitation department and the museum".
The frame may no longer have been functional for the person who disposed of it, but I intend to get some use out of it.
I took this photo of it while it's still on the easel, unframed (the background stuff behind the canvas is just books, furniture, etc., in the room). As usual, I've re-sized the image and adjusted the quality for uploading.
In the words of Rainer Maria Rilke 1875-1926): "And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that have never been."

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Paula's Trinity...

Here's a photo of an oil portrait I recently completed of Paula's grey tabby named Trinity. Paula knows my sister from the work they do rescuing animals at the shelter.
It's an 11 x 14 oil. I took this photo of it while it's still on the easel, unframed (the background stuff behind the canvas is just books, furniture, etc. in the room). As usual, I've re-sized the image and adjusted the quality for uploading.
I'm looking forward to getting started soon on my next canvases on which I've already sketched some subjects of my own choosing: they are long overdue and I expect some to be quite colorful when they're finished.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Zach's Drake

Just finished this portrait of a dog named Drake that belongs to a guy named Zach.
It's an 11 x 14 oil. I took this photo of it while it's still on the easel, unframed (the background stuff behind the canvas is just books, furniture, etc. in the room). As usual, I've re-sized the image and adjusted the quality for uploading.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Second half of "something different"...

Second large (16 x 20) oil painting of a Plum Island beach scene with many people, this time with a portrait orientation (vertical) instead of landscape (horizontal like the last one). Although it was difficult to resist reducing the human figures still more, I determined a certain size was necessary to maintain a particular scale for the entire scene. 
This photo was taken today, while it's still on the easel, unframed... And of course the quality and size have been adjusted for uploading purposes.
I'm looking forward to painting other things next.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Something different....

I don't often do paintings this large (16 x 20). Although its title references Plum Island and the four seagulls I included (three flying and one standing), in some strange way it may make up for the lack of people in other paintings I've done and posted (up until today, a total of one person in one painting -- in four and a half years...).
I may paint a similar scene in a portrait orientation (rather than landscape). But I'm looking forward to resuming projects with plant and animals subjects....
This photo was taken today, while it's still on the easel, unframed, with the usual (distracting) background (clutter)... And of course the quality and size have been adjusted for uploading purposes.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Third of four...

Progress continues on one of my current projects which is to complete four 11 by 14 oil paintings which are versions of the small 6 by 6 inch paintings I made last year (that were sold at an Animal Rescue League benefit). Here's the third, unframed, still on the easel (please pardon the distracting background...). The other two have been posted previously; the last will be posted here when I have time to do it. In the meantime I'm working on a few other things: some bigger and rather different.
As usual, the image quality and size have been adjusted for uploading purposes.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Second of four...

One of my current projects is to complete 11 by 14 oil paintings which are versions of the four small 6 by 6 paintings I made last year (that were sold at an Animal Rescue League benefit). Here's the second, unframed, still on the easel. The others will be posted here when I have time to do it.
As usual, the image quality and size have been adjusted for uploading purposes.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

First of four...

My current project is to complete 11 by 14 oil paintings which are versions of the four 6 by 6 paintings I made last year (that were sold at an Animal Rescue League benefit). Here's the first, unframed, leaning against the wall. The others will be posted here when I have time to do it.
As usual, the image quality and size have been adjusted for uploading purposes.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Second "Paper Route" painting....

I finally got around to painting this tribute to a memorable plant that made quite an impression on me: I used to see it every morning on my paper route. I recently finished this 8 x 10 oil painting and photographed it while it's still on the easel, unframed. Hopefully the books, etc., in the background aren't too distracting.
As usual, the quality and size of the image have been adjusted to improve uploading speed.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Portrait of my (unwitting) "Muse"?

Just finished this portrait of one of my sister's dogs standing on her glass-topped white wicker kitchen table, beside some flowers in a bottle, looking out the window, with a hummingbird feeder in the yard, etc. It prompted my sister to observe that, since I've painted several portraits of this particular dog of hers (he's Harry -- she has two others), he must be my "Muse". Maybe, although I've always considered myself more of a "cat person"...

It's an 11 x 14 oil. I took this photo of it while it's still on the easel, unframed; the background behind the canvas may be distracting (books and other things), but there was no good light by the window today, as it's overcast outside. As usual, I've re-sized the image and adjusted the quality for uploading.