Sunday, December 17, 2017

A second 8 by 10 oil painting...

Here's another small 8 by 10 oil painting I finished that shows a metal horse, a ceramic monkey figurine, three small vases (one with metal flowers), along with miscellaneous background items. It kind of goes with a second still life, which I just posted.
This photo was taken on an easel while the painting is unframed, so cardboard is visible in the background.
As usual, the image quality and size have been reduced for uploading purposes.

A small 8 by 10 oil painting...

Here's a small 8 by 10 oil painting I finished that shows a brass horse, a small cream pitcher, and a tiny souvenir kettle, along with miscellaneous background items. It kind of goes with a second still life, which I'll post next.
This photo was taken on an easel while the painting is unframed, so a door and cardboard are visible in the background.
As usual, the image quality and size have been reduced for uploading purposes.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

A vertical painting: white flowers, glass tabletop...

Here's a photo of an oil painting I've pretty much finished working on for now, It's 2 feet high, and 1 foot wide (12 x 24 inches), unframed, drying on the easel (pardon the door and other belongings visible in the background). This painting depicts some white flowers with green leaves, in a glass bottle filled with white stones, on my sister's glass-topped white wicker kitchen table, in front of some shuttered closet doors, near a window. As usual, the image quality and size have been reduced for uploading purposes. I expect the next painting I work on will be smaller and more colorful.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Been painting George....

Here's a photo of an oil painting I've been working on, remembering a cat I had named George. It's 11 by 14 inches, unframed, still on the easel because it's not quite dry (the doorknob on the right, etc, in the background is part of the room the easel's in, although the bookcase and binders on the left are obviously part of the painting). As usual, the image quality and size have been reduced for uploading purposes.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Recently painted Riley portrait... :-)

Here's a photo of an oil painting portrait I recently finished of my cat Riley. It's 11 by 14 inches, unframed, still on the easel because it's not quite dry (anything in the background around the edges of the canvas is just a room the easel's in). As usual, the image quality and size have been reduced for uploading purposes.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Portrait of Shanna's Barry and his Magic Hat...

Here's a photo of an 11 by 14 oil portrait of Shanna's adopted American Eskimo dog named Barry, along with his magic hat. Shanna got this portrait by me for being the high bidder in an animal rescue fundraising auction.
I took this photo of it while it's still on the easel, unframed (the background stuff behind the canvas is just books, furniture, etc., in the room). After I framed it I did slightly touch up the hind paw. As usual, I've re-sized the image and adjusted the quality for uploading.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Painting on wood, 16x20....

Here's a 16 by 20 oil painting I did on wood, still unframed on the easel -- when I took the photo I couldn't avoid getting stuff from the room in the background. It's my depiction of a scene from the Asian garden behind (and part of) Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. My sister and I spent much enjoyable afternoon time sitting here. The street just beyond the garden is Park Drive -- and the front door of the building where I lived for about 16 years, until 1998.
As usual, the image quality and size have been reduced for uploading purposes.